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Trustee liability insurance provides cover to the leaders, trustees or key employees of charities, non-profits and not-for-profit organisations.
If your job puts you in the public eye or a position of high responsibility, the possibilities of negligence allegations or being investigated by the Charity Commission can come with the territory.
Trustee liability insurance is designed to protect the trustees, directors, governors, committee members and officers of a charity, club, association or not-for-profit organisation if they are accused of a wrongful act, such as:
A trustee liability insurance can help when defending or settling a wide range of claims, protecting you against fines and compensation claims as well as legal costs that may arise.
Investigations by public bodies such as the Charity Commission including support if an insured person’s assets are seized.
Health and safety issues including corporate manslaughter cases.
Employment tribunals and disputes.
Complaints relating to your administration of pension funds and employee benefits schemes
Charges related to breaches of duty or trust as well as negligence or defamation.
Support with certain public relations costs to minimise the impact on the organisation.
If you are responsible for overseeing the work of a charity or similar organisation then you might need trustee liability insurance, regardless of whether your title is ‘trustee’ or something else.
Charity leaders can be held personally liable for mistakes in leadership. This risk may be higher for trustees of unincorporated charities however any charity leader can face personal legal action in relation to their role.
Trustee liability insurance protects people who are responsible for a charity’s decisions and could face personal losses by nature of this close relationship. It can also minimise the impact on the public as well as the non-profit organisation they serve.
If an employee or volunteer is injured, trustees may be held liable. Should these circumstances arise due to a breach of the Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act, or the Health and Safety at Work Act (external link), insurance could become an important consideration.